Professional Engineer, SIT
Bruce is a New Hampshire Profession Engineer (11236) and Surveyor in Training (562) with almost three decades of experience in all aspects of land surveying, engineering and development.
Bruce has worked on projects throughout New Hampshire, from small residential projects, to large commercial, industrial, and municipal projects. Mr. Scamman is well rounded in surveying & engineering experiences and can offer crucial information to his clients. Mr. Scamman purchased JVA from its former owner, Jim Verra in 2021, and has worked endlessly to grow the company to offer high quality services to our clients.
New Hampshire Professional Engineer
License Number 11236
New Hampshire Permitted Septic Designer
Permit Number 1426
New Hampshire Survey in Training
License Number 562
Bachelor of Science – Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Cornell University 1996
James Verra and Associates / Newington, NH / February 26, 2021 – Present
Responsible for managing day-to-day operations & scheduling.
- Oversees new proposals & job estimates
- Works with senior staff to schedule field work
- Oversees office work, and final plan production
- Research, fieldwork, and drafting of plan set for final deliverables
Emanual Engineering Inc. / Stratham, NH / April 21, 2021 – Present
Responsible for managing day to day operations & scheduling
- Oversees new proposals & job estimates
- Works with senior staff to schedule field work
- Oversees office work, and final plan production
- Research, fieldwork, and drafting of plan set for final deliverables
- Design oversight of civil engineering designs.
Project Manager
Emanual Engineering Inc. / Stratham, NH / 1997 – April 21, 2021
- Originally hired as an engineer, Bruce worked his way up gaining his EIT, SIT,Septic License, and finally his PE in 2004
- Worked on company drafting & fieldwork standards
- Worked with Robert Moynihan, Alex Ross and Richard Parker on all surveywork
- Worked on structural projects of all sizes under Fred Emanuel
- Worked on civil projects under Alex Ross, Robert Moynihan, and Fred Emanuel
- Worked on drainage designs that included porous pavement, low impact design, and infiltration swales & ponds
Member of the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association (NHLSA)
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE & ASCENH)
Member of Granite State Onsite Wastewater Association (GSOWA)
- City of Portsmouth Station II Fire Station site plan design.
- Exeter Subaru site plan. This included a collaborative with the town of Stratham to construct a portion of the first Gateway Road. The town, owner and NHDES worked together to design a new road through 3 separate properties to connect River Road with the Market Basket Plaza. The site was complicated by its size and wetlands on abuttingparcels. Retaining walls and porous pavement were designed to protect the environment.
- MEG Realty Trust 2 lots of Honda Barn and Citizens Bank in Stratham, NH
- ALTA Survey and a site plan. 2000
- As-Built Site Plan of completed construction. 2003
- Amended Site Plan building expansion. 2015
- Amended Site Plan for expanded parking lot with porous pavement. 2016
- ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey. 2022
- AutoFair Realty II ALTA Survey for the Nissan Dealership in Stratham, NH
- Electric Boat, Groton Conn. Surveyed the Spider Crane rails to assure that the tolerance was met to move cranes.
- TurboCam Inc. prepare an industrial site plan for the expansion of the Route 9 facility
- Town of Stratham Steven’s Park – As-built survey and baseball field design
- Olive Rugg Trust – Boundary survey in Oaklands Forrest in Exeter and Newfields including a Town Line determination